The Livestock Risk Protection Insurance Plan for Feeder Cattle (LRP-Feeder Cattle) is designed to insure against declining market prices. You may choose from a variety of coverage levels and insurance periods that match the time your feeder cattle would normally be marketed (ownership may be retained).
You may buy LRP-Feeder Cattle insurance throughout the year from Risk Management Agency (RMA)- approved livestock insurance agents. Premium rates, coverage prices, and actual ending values are posted online daily.
Check out Quotes below.
You may choose coverage prices ranging from 70 to
100 percent of the expected ending value. At the end
of the insurance period, if the actual ending value is
below the coverage price, you will be paid an
indemnity for the difference between the coverage
price and actual ending value.
See more information here.
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Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Quoting
We now offer two different options for interested livestock producers to request customized LRP quotes. As always, you may contact any of our agents via phone or email, or producers may now generate their own quotes from home via Agency Root. Both are open to Terra customers and non-customers alike, free of charge and no purchase expected.
Before starting a quote, we will need an estimated number of head insured with steers and heifers separate, targeted marketing date, and targeted marketing weight.
Due to LRP only being available for purchase during non-trading hours, all quotes are good from 4:30 pm to 8:25 am the following day. Quotes may be generated during trading hours to provide an estimate of coverage and cost but are subject to change by end of trading period.
If you'd like to find out more about LRP or to request a quote from one of our agents. Go here!
If you'd like to create an Agency Root account to generate your own quotes, go here. Or you contact Veronica Sauder by phone or email.