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Generating LRP Quotes On Agency Root

When to run LRP quotes:

 - Before animals are bought, get an accurate picture of exposure to price risk before committing

 - After animals are purchased, calculate needed breakeven price after price of purchase is known

 - While the market is up, look for good opportunities protect uninsured animals


Information needed to generate quote: 

 - Intended selling date range

 - Targeted weight of animals at sale time

 - Ownership shares of livestock

 - Steers and heifers are separate policies, will need number of head for each

AGroot LRP Toolbox Demo.PNG

Accessing LivestockPro

1. Request Access â€‹

2. Log in to Producer Toolbox

3. On Toolbox homepage, hover over left sidebar, select dropdown arrow under apps, click LivestockPro, quoter will open in new tab

4. Enter needed information into appropriate fields

5. Select desired endorsement lengths

6. Click print in upper right-hand corner, select print preview in pop up window

7. Quote can be printed in next screen if all information is correct in preview


AgRoot LRP Print Preview Demo.PNG
AgencyRoot Demo Quote_Page_1.png
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